Tuesday, 29 October 2013

100th Milestone

I started goat farming approximately somewhere in June 2012. I put June 1st 2012 as the official date that I started farming. So, it has been, more or less, 16 months ago. I started with 30 goats to be exact. Some of them died along the way due to bad health condition. Others thrive. During my first year. I had 48 kids with a kidding rate of 1.6. It wasn't an impressive figure to be honest.  But for a small time breeder who just started out with almost zero knowledge, it is somewhat commendable. Hey, I need the morale boost here to keep me going. It is not easy what I am doing here, folks.

So, today with the birth of a set of twin billies, I have arrived at the 100th milestone. I have told myself that I would accomplish this task of reaching 100 heads of goat population in 1 and half year's time. Looks like I am 2 months ahead of schedule. So that's good. This makes reaching the magic number of 100 is something to be celebrated. Or at least I am trying to convince and reason with myself to splurge on some good comforting food. Everybody loves to eat and so do I. Maybe I'll take my family out for a nice dinner just to celebrate the occasion.

I also heard from other breeders that once you get to the 100th milestone, things will start to get more challenging than ever. Proper planning will become almost a second nature to you. Expansion of the barn is inevitable. You will have less time lying on your back. Record keeping will no longer become a fun thing to do. Things will get chaotic. That's like almost a sure promise.

Well, all I can say is that, each one of the above is true. But I don't give a crap about it. I love challenges, I love doing things the hard way. I believe in hard work. I believe in persistence. Go it through, plow, bulldoze, ram the brickwall. I find the fun factor in doing hard physical job. But no, not working out in the gym. It is not even on my list of favorite things to do.

So, salute to the 100th billy and hopefully more to come.