Thursday 13 February 2014

Babies a'coming

Lepas setahun setengah more or less bela kambing. La ni baru dapat cucu. Words don't do enough to express my gratitude. Thank you the Almighty. Sekarang sudah dapat cucu.

Few more are coming. Rasa hilang tension semua masalah bila tengok kambimg dah bercucu. I know it's nothing big to talk about for old time breeders. But for a newbie like myself, it is an achievement to be celebrated. Alhamdulillah.

Kedua-dua induk berumur lebih kurang 11 bulan. Setahun la senang cakap. Both single births. Both are healthy and milking well. Both dah dilepaskan ke pastur sehari selepas deliver.


  1. Tahniah,Bro!!Enjoy that happy feeling!!

  2. Replies
    1. Dia telus palung makanan tu tok ba. Kalu tubik nanti tok jupo cari petak anak dia. Mok mudo lagu tu la..perangai lobey sikit.hehe
